GRI 102-45, 201-1
In 2020, our net revenue was up 10.5% and EBITDA was over R$1 billion for the first time. These figures are the result of consistent efforts and investments made over time to build quality networks with advanced onboarded technology and expand our coverage area.
Everything is set to prepare us to meet demand from all customers, both corporate and individuals (B2B and B2C).
Net revenue
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Algar Telecom’s consolidated net revenue reached R$2.4 billion in 2020. This 10.5% growth was driven by higher revenues in both of our operating segments: B2B (+12.9%) and B2C (+7.5%).
With an increase of 24.7% in number of customers (5% in corporate and 27.5% in micro and small companies), our B2B net revenue totaled R$ 1.4 billion in 2020 and showed 12.9% growth against 2019, thus accounting for 61% of Algar Telecom’s total net revenue.
Data products, which enable high-speed connectivity for our corporate customers, grew 6.5% to account for 61.3% of revenues. ICT services grew 42.5% and accounted for 10% of B2B revenues. These growth numbers more than offset lower revenues from voice, which are continuing to fall across the industry.
At the end of 2020, we were operating in the B2B market in 367 cities, 16 states and the Federal District, offering integrated Telecom and IT solutions.
For retail customers, we offer high-speed broadband fiber plans combined with landline and mobile telephony. In 2020, the number of our fiber customers was up 33.1% to reach 74.8% of the segment’s broadband customers. This trend was driven by investments made in optical fiber networks in recent years, thus connecting 755,000 homes passed and 415,000 homes connected by end-December 2020. In the largest cities where Algar Telecom operates in B2C, the total homes passed level is over 90%.
For mobile customers, our main focus in 2020 was on plans for postpaid customers, which show higher demand for data traffic and have higher ARPU. As a result, the total number of these customers grew 6.1% in the year, while prepaid customers fell 8.9%. Our total number of mobile customers was 3.4% down from 2019 and ended the year at 1.1 million.
Net revenue from B2C customers totaled R$928.3 million in 2020 and was 7.5% up from 2019. This number was driven by a 15.8% increase in broadband revenues (landline and mobile), which accounted for 48.8% of revenues from these customers and showed resilience against the pandemic’s adverse economic effects. Voice revenues accounted for 24% of revenues; their decline reflects users’ continuing to migrate to our data services product, due to the latter’s maturity.
Operating costs and expenses, excluding amortization and depreciation, totaled R$1.3 billion in 2020, which was 14.3% more than the previous year. Excluding the positive one-off effects that impacted these 2 years – R$ 45.8 million in 2019 and R$ 21.1 million in 2020- there was an 11.7% increase.
The main increases were in: materials and goods (+R$ 67.9), particularly due to accelerated modem sales to support growth in broadband over fiber customers; personnel (+R$31.6), due to higher provisioning in the profit-sharing bonus account and numbers of new hires to support our operations in new geographic areas, and other items (+R$40.7). The change in the others group was due to higher volume of other operating revenues in 2019 compared to 2020.
*Data for 2019 and 2020 reflect IFRS 16.