Intangible assets

A company’s intangible assets show how the organization manages to ensure its position in the market and grow economically. We believe that the more we invest in our intangible assets, the more we will be able to earn profits for our shareholders and add real value to our brand. As an example of our main intangible assets, we have the Brand, People serving People, Sustainability and Innovation.


Since Algar Telecom was founded in 1954, we have been pioneers in Brazil’s telephony sector and expanded the Telecom business into new markets while maintaining our premises of high-quality service and customer satisfaction.

In 2020, given increasing demand for connectivity, we seized the opportunity to strengthen our brand by delivering high quality reliable services. We helped customers ranging from end consumers to major corporations to reinvent their business and remain connected from anywhere during the pandemic. Our attitude of placing the customer at the center of our attention has led to higher levels of customer satisfaction and trust in our brand as shown by our NPS across all segments.

We launched Algar Telecom Talks; a 100% online event free of charge to address matters related to digital transformation. The five-day event transmitted 12 hours of exclusive content. We had 12,434 enrollments and 136.7 million pageviews on the event’s landing page. By partnering with Sebrae Minas, we helped small entrepreneurs develop creative solutions to ensure sustainability for their business during the pandemic, using free content involving digital strategy, finance, sales and marketing.

People serving People

Our “Gente Servindo Gente” (People serving People) proposition was highlighted more than ever in the context of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. It represents our business proposition, steering our culture, performance and strategy. We build ethical, respectful and transparent relationships with our employees and all other internal and external stakeholders. Our approach to business earns recognition for the quality of our products and services and we are one of the best companies to work for in Brazil, according to Great Place to Work and Indeed.


Our vision of sustainability is related to how our businesses can help solve society’s current and future challenges and how we relate to our stakeholders. Uphold strict ethical standards; offer high added value solutions for the market; go for more connected, simple, agile and intelligent ways of working; be responsible for the impacts our activities have on the environment and people’s lives; we believe that all of the above relates to sustainability.

Through each of our actions, we hope to benefit, maintain and develop our society, economy and nature in accordance with best practices for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters.

On the environmental side, for over ten years we have been developing projects and initiatives that constantly strive to ensure effective climate governance for our operations and engages parties with whom we relate, thus contributing to a joint agenda for the environment. On the social side, in addition to effectively contributing to digital inclusion for people and companies, we run solid social responsibility programs through Instituto Algar, our non-profit association that sponsors educational and cultural initiatives (for more details click here).

For details of our sustainable commitment and environmental stewardship, click here. Our corporate governance structure is described here.


We are committed to developing trends and new technologies; creating opportunities for collaboration with other partner companies or startups, customers, institutions and the community; running agile experiments with consistent analyses; and posting results that enable us to incorporate innovations into our internal processes and solutions for customers and their value chains. We have earned recognition for our innovative solutions and won major awards in this segment, such as Valor Inovação and 100+Inovadoras. Our offers are aligned with digital transformation, multiconnection, automation and artificial intelligence applicable to different business segments. Towards this subject, highlights include our BRAIN Private Institute of Science and Technology and Estação initiatives described here.