We invested R$461.7 million with a focus on customer activation over networks built in 2018 and 2019.
Value Creation
Net revenue was up 10.5% on 2019, totaling R$2.4 bn. Adjusted net profit was up 8.5%, to R$210 million and EBITDA totaled R$1 billion for the first time ever.
Value Capture
82,300 km of optical fiber cables.
Value Creation
Presence in 367 cities, in 16 states and the Federal District.
Value Capture
We are founding members of Brain, with activities in Uberlândia, São Paulo and Recife, and we maintain Estação at Algar Telecom.
Value Creation
Innovative products incorporated into the Algar Telecom portfolio
Value Capture
230,000 hours of training in 2020, averaging 53 hours per employee. Algar Telecom recognized as the best company to work for.
Value Creation
Trained and skilled employees contributing to professional development. Benefits and initiatives available foster health and well-being, with a focus on our professionals’ quality of life.
Value Capture
Relationships with the regulatory agency, universities, research institutions, institutes, NGOs and partners in social initiatives.
Value Creation
Partnerships with universities and institutions for the development of disruptive solutions, consolidation of the franchise model, and support for communities through social projects and donations.
Value Capture
Signatories to the Global Compact and supporters of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Value Creation
66% of the energy consumed coming from renewable sources, generated by two owned solar parks and contracted in the energy free market.